It is possible for one or more of the cazadores to become stuck inside the white tents, making easy kills.The flamer used by the unnamed Fiend leader in the graphic novel was destroyed when Chance bent the nozzle back onto the man, burning him alive.Heading out of the village to your left will be a hollowed-out rock with random loot inside.Cazadores infest this area so don't come unprepared.The first tent on the left, you can find a first aid box containing a bobby pin, two purified water, a RadAway, a rebound, two stimpaks and a super stimpak.Great Khan corpses amongst those of the fiends, which may have Great Khan soldier armor.Chance's grave on a hill overlooking the village, it contains Chance's knife and Great Khan simple armor.Stimpaks lying on a shelf inside one of the tents, along with a medical kit that can be looted.Psycho and Jet lying around the campfire, remnants of the party thrown by the drugged up Fiends following their massacre of the residents.There are five tents, set up in a half circle against the eastern cliffside. The village is mainly surrounded by steep cliffs.

It is the scene of Chance's counter rampage against marauding Fiends, the site of Benny's demonstration of keen observational skills and it is also the site where Chance overdoses on Psycho after Benny recounts the story of the Singer to him and leaves the bottle by his side. It is featured prominently in the graphic novel All Roads. They are killed by the Great Khans and Benny after Chance, suffering from shellshock and drug withdrawals, charges into battle after seeing the flames and charred bodies that remind him of the Bitter Springs massacre. Prior to these events it had been a tribal village, which was then overrun by Fiends (their leader using a flamer, which accounts for the burnt corpses), rampaging in the area while high on Psycho. The camp is overrun by cazadores when the Courier awakens in the Mojave Wasteland this outcome was predicted by McMurphy in the graphic novel All Roads, as he comments that they need to bury Chance and get out of the place before the creatures show up.